This is the last appointment with the Preventive Maintenance (PM) tips on Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) instruments.

PM is a routine maintenance that can be done directly by the customer or by the service (if provided). Basically you need a kit of parts. For a deep maintenance from our experience, it is necessary beyond the year, depending on the use of the instrument…

Find the other quick maintenance tips related to other models here:

PM on TG-IR EGA system (TL8000)

PM on TG-GCMS/MS EGA system (TL8500)

1. Check IR Cell Windows and Gaskets.

Extract the cell from the FTIR sample compartment and follow the instructions to reach the cell caps; remove them with the appropriate key included in the installation kit of the instrument and check gaskets and windows.

Replace the internal gaskets if they are too crushed or worn. They must be able to seal the cell and hold the window in place. Change windows if they are dirty, streaked or very dull. If you have the special cleaning kit for the KBr windows, you can proceed with cleaning instead of changing them.

2. Check inner tube TGA side.

Transfer line inner tube, mostly on TGA-side could get dirty around and near the entrance, especially in case of analysis with the presence of huge volatile residues. It is good practice to raise the TGA furnace temperature after each run and to introduce ambient air to burn off any possible residue from the concluded analysis before running a new one.

Deposits are visible to the naked eye… Clean it with a little piece of sandpaper or a small drill bit and a cloth soaked with a solvent. Remember always to run a blank run to eliminates any old traces and solvent traces.

3. Check Filters.

Inside the electronical controller there are filters which clean the flow path before expelling it. Examine them by following the instructions given in the user manual and if they are very dirty, replace them.

4. GSV Injection Block & Seals Inspection.

Inspect Valves Injection Block and tubes seals, this prevent from leaks and ambient air introduction in the MS.

5. Check and Replace Exhaust Tubes.

Exhaust tubes is the gas flow path from the IR Cell and the GSV Valves Block to the controller/pump. Check if it for any dirty traces or slightly black spots along the path. In case, proceed with the replacement.

6. Control the Entire Path Flow.

We recommend checking flows at the end of very PM. First of all, set TGA flows and verify that are consistent with the value set in the TGA software. Then set the TG-IR flow and check it if coherent. For more information about the correct procedure for each TGA model ask us!